Youth in Fitness Locker Rooms

Post date: Oct 09, 2019 8:28:34 PM

Hey all,

Please be aware that there is some grey area to the age policy regarding the fitness locker rooms.  If a member is bringing a child under 10 in there with them to change or grab something from their locker and then immediately go use the facility, that is okay.  If a member brings a child under the age of 10 (or any age under 18) in there and leaves them unsupervised while they use the amenities that is where we need to draw the line.  

As a team, I would love to see us grow from going straight into how a policy is written and saying you can't do that or that's not allowed to asking a couple of questions to gauge a situation and then determine how to handle things from there.  There are certain situations that we need to be black and white and be pretty rigid on.  There are also situations that have some grey area that if handled correctly can mean the difference between having a livid member and one that is going to be willing to work with us.  It's tough to know how to handle something in the moment sometimes so if you are ever unsure you can always call me.