Return of Hot Yoga at Family Wellness

Post date: Nov 11, 2020 7:23:30 PM

Hey all,

We will be bringing back the Hot Yoga program at Family Wellness starting Tuesday December 1st. Like in the past, this program has a fee associated with it ($40 for members and $80 for non-members). Classes will meet once per week on either Tuesday or Wednesday in the Mind & Body Studio at Family Wellness. Due to class size limitations if a participant signs up for the Tuesday class they can only attend the classes held on Tuesday they cannot make up any missed classes with the Wednesday class. Below are the class dates, times and costs for December 

In the Mind and Body Studio @ FW

Tuesdays 800pm-9:00pm 

Wednesday 5:30am-6:30am 

Registration opens November 18th for members and 19th for non-members (9 participants max per day.)

December Sessions:

-Tuesday December 1st-December 22nd

-Wednesday December 2nd-December 30th (Skip December 23rd )

4-week Sessions $40.00 member $80.00 non-member