Exercise is Medicine

Post date: Feb 11, 2021 7:22:2 PM


The Exercise is Medicine (EIM) program will be starting up again on Tuesday, February 16th. This program is offered through Sanford. We do not handle anything on the registration/payment side of things. All of that must be done through Sanford. Once they have registered through Sanford they will be given a copy of our Membership Application that they must email me at least one business day before their session starts so I can set their account up. Please do not set up any accounts at the desk without my approval. Once their 12 week session is up their account will automatically expire. If they would like to sign up for a membership with us after their EIM session ends we will waive the enrollment fee if they activate their membership within 30 days of their program ending. 

The Exercise is Medicine program is a 12 week program. Participants in this program will meet with one of our personal trainers on Tuesday and Thursday evening to receive instruction on proper technique and a guided workout. Participants will be able to access to the facility throughout their 12 week session to workout on their own outside of their training session times.