Raptor Sex Offender Service

Post date: Feb 20, 2015 5:11:9 PM


Raptor is a national sex offender registry.  This will verify that we are not allowing registered or convicted sex offenders into the facility at anytime.  Prior to entering anyone 18 or over into Daxko as a guest or as a member, you must first check them through Raptor (this is for members or guests who are not in the system currently).  We need a valid Picture ID to check.  The website you go into is https://apps.raptorware.com/batchscreening.  The email is currently set as troy.bitz@bismarckymca.org and the password is YMCA1525.  Once you are logged in you will do the following steps:

            1.  Get Photo ID (16 and over)

            2.  Enter First and Last Name

            3.  Enter Date of Birth as Follows:  YYYY-MM-DD (1970-06-12)

            4.  Press Enter.

            5.  If they are not found go through the regular process of signing them up as a        member or guest.

            6.  If they come up in the system, first Verify that the pictures from the website and Photo ID match, if not let them in.  If the pictures and information match, contact a Building Supervisor or another Director to address the individual about our policies.  Do NOT allow this person access to the facility if he is on the list.  The person must wait until the Director or Building Supervisor arrives.