construction update for this week

Post date: Aug 26, 2014 6:1:1 PM

East Entrance & Lobby Remodel

Upcoming Timeline

Monday, August 25th - Communication to Membership about East Entrance 

• Email Blasts

• Website

• Social Media

• Facility Signage

East Entrance Closure: Friday, August 29th – Sunday, September 7th

• All members routed around building to West Entrance

Signage out front (directional and information signs) – big, 

banner size

• Tile floor will be ripped out from front door down corridor to LaCarra’s 

office. Floor will be self-leveled and new tile will be laid in this area.

• During the week of Sept. 1st

the lobby tile (Kerr Pool observation, area inside check-in door/outside 

of Men’s Fitness Locker Room door and Girl’s/Women’s Aquatics Locker 

Room Door.)

 Brian will continue to tear out the rest of 

o Locker Room Traffic Flow (*this will continue throughout rest of 


Men’s Fitness Locker Room – will need to enter and exit 

through lower level door.

Girl’s/Women’s Aquatics Locker Room Door – will need to 

enter and exit through back door of locker room, just off of 

northeast corner of Y Gym.

Family Locker Room – will need to enter and exit through 

Child Watch hallway or Y Gym hallway.

• Pool Entrance – will need to enter pool through back 

hallway, just off of northeast corner of Y Gym and 

hallway coming from Johnson Gym. (Swim Lessons 

will also need to use this hallway and door to access 

the pool.)

Needs & Awareness:

o Extra Computer moved to West Desk

o Swim Lesson Registration – Sept. 2nd for members and Sept. 3rd

for non-members (may need another lap top for this)

At registration hand out letter explaining how to get to 

pool and where to sit.

o MSD Staffing –Troy will need to determine who is working.

o Signage

o Parking – Follow current Parking Policy = We will have to park 

down around arena and walk around to west entrance (cannot 

walk through YDC entrance). Do not park on side streets and 

congest the neighborhoods. 

o We will have strong directional signage to direct people around 

to different areas.

Re-Open East Entrance: Monday, September 8th (at 5am)

• Plastic sheet wall will run from front door to side of current desk/

outside corner of Troy’s office. This will create a corridor for our 

members to walk through.

• Temporary Membership Desk will be created on South Wall outside 

Bill’s Office and hallway to RM 16. This desk will exist for the 

remainder of the remodel.

RM 16 will not be used for childcare activities during this 


Office supplies in hallway and Troy’s Office will temporarily 

be located in RM 16. This will allow for work to be done on 

moving Donna’s office and creating a common work space 

and then relocating Troy to Donna’s current office.

o Remainder of floor tile laid, desk demo, new desk installed, etc...

Needs & Awareness:

o September Swim Lessons – moved to Rouzie so parents can sit 

in there on bleachers and watch lessons.

o Members will have to use Locker Room entrances on lower 

levels, Family Locker Room will have to walk around through Y 

Gym and to hallway above Rubber Room into pool.

o We will have strong directional signage to direct people around 

to different areas.

o Will still have access to Laundry Room during this time.