MHA account set up

Post date: Mar 27, 2019 2:38:26 PM

Hey all,

Just wanted to clarify the procedure on how to set up a new MHA account. 

If an individual associated with MHA/Three Affiliated Tribes comes in and has not been in our system before they only need their tribal ID as verification.  Then we set them up for a semi annual membership or month to month bank draft.  If they are doing semi annual, they pay the enrollment fee, the prorated dues, and half of the semi annual membership.  The remaining half of the balance is billed to MHA.  If they are doing month to month drafts, they pay the enrollment fee, the prorated dues, and then we need to let them know that they will be billed for the next three full months (the prorate doesn't count as one of their three months they are billed).  After those three months, MHA will be billed for the next three.  That cycle of the member being billed three months followed by MHA being billed for three months will continue until the member decides to cancel.  Whether they are doing semi annual or month to month we need to write "MHA" on the top of the app so Jennifer knows to bill MHA the remaining balance.

If the member is up for their semi annual renewal, Jennifer Keller will put an alert on their profile as well as the balance due so we can collect payment from them.

If you need any further clarification or have questions please let me know!