Double Check Forms

Post date: May 06, 2019 7:0:6 PM

Hey all,

Please make sure that we are double checking every form that we get from someone.  There should be no reason that we do not get initials or a signature on any of the forms that we take in.  For those of you that are double checking all of these forms already, you are rock stars!  Keep it up.  For those that miss a couple every now and then, I challenge you to take the extra 5 seconds to look over every form that you take before the person walks away.  All you have to say to them when they hand you the paperwork is "Alright, let me make sure we have everything we need." Below are things to be watching for on each of the forms that we commonly receive:


- Name, address, phone, date of birth, email, emergency contact with phone number

- Three initials and a signature on the front page 

- Signature and date on back page


- Name, address, phone number.  Make sure you can read the writing on the form.  If you can't ask them to clarify it.

- Initials next to all four statements 

- Signature and date


- Name, address, phone number

- Double check the changes that are being made.  Whether it's changing the membership type, adding or removing someone from the membership or adding or removing and add on, make sure we have all the information that we need to make those changes.

- Signature and date on the front page

- Three initials and signature and date on the back page


- Name, Membership Type (you may have to look this up for them), locker?, reason for hold, documentation?, your name

- The most important part of this form is filling out how many and which months the hold will be for.  They can do a maximum of three months or a minimum of two 


-This form follows the same rules as all of our other changes.  It needs to be received by the last day of the month to take effect the following.  Please double check that they have not listed the current month on the form as this is not an option for them. 

As always, if you would like clarification on any of this or anything else please let me know.