Basket Ball effects on facility

Post date: Mar 18, 2019 5:3:22 PM

Hey all,

The Basket Ball Fundraiser is this Friday!  That means we will need to be closing off some areas of the building in order to get set up and ready for the event.  This is the game plan as of right now:

McDowell Gyms: Closing Thursday 3/21/19 at 5:00 PM through Saturday 3/23/19 at 6:00 AM

Johnson Gyms: Closing Friday 3/22/19 at 10:00 AM through Saturday 3/23/19 at 6:00 AM

Johnson and McDowell tracks:  Closing Friday 3/22/19 at 5:00 PM through Saturday 3/23/19 at 6:00 AM

Child Watch will be open for guests of the Basket Ball only.  Preregistration is required through Daxko.  This is under Programs -> Basket Ball Fundraiser -> Basket Ball ChildWatch.  This is only for the kiddos of the families attending the event!  

To purchase individual tickets for the event you go under programs -> Basket Ball Fundraiser -> Basket Ball Fundraiser Event.  

If someone is trying to purchase tickets for multiple people at the same time, please ring all of their tickets up under the person purchasing the tickets.  After the transaction, print out a receipt and ask the purchaser for the names of everyone that will be attending, write those names on the receipt, and put that receipt in Amy Brown's mailbox so she can add their names to the list.

The event starts at 5:30 PM on Friday 3/22/19.  The facility will remain open regular hours until 11 PM, however the only open gym space will be in the Y Gym and the only track will be above the Y Gym.  The Life Center, Group Ex, Aquatics, and Racquetball will not be effected by this event.   

Please let me know if you have any questions!