Cancer Survivor Participants

Post date: Feb 27, 2012 3:40:24 PM

Y Survivor

posted Feb 24, 2012 4:19 PM by Amy Nitschke

These people are eligible for the waived ($50) enrollment fee. (Please note they are allowed to pay monthly or per year. They are no longer apart of the Y Survivor group but are eligible for a membership.

Jim Kubik

Mary Brevis

Jackie Koedam

Diane Gensburger

Faye Kroh

Deb McDaniel

Jan Lund

A new Y Survivor session started on February 22nd through April 1st. Please allow these people in the facility. Note- They are allowed to bring 1 extra person in with them for free as well.

Rayetta Fischbach

Fred Aune

Keely Dutke

Barb Schmid

Any questions please contact Amy Nitschke @ 701-220-9779. Thank you!