Staff personal phone number

Post date: Jun 11, 2019 6:38:12 PM

Hey all,

Just a reminder that we are not allowed to give out any staff member's personal phone number, even if a director's phone number is listed on the call list.  Those personal phone numbers are listed for staff use only in the event they need to be contacted if one of their employees doesn't show up or emergency.  If you have someone that is upset and demanding to speak with someone that is not here the best we can do is try to diffuse the situation the best we can, if that doesn't work you need to direct them to a director's work voicemail or email.  That director will follow up with them when they return to the office.  

When you are directing them to a director do not send them straight to Tim or Bill unless they specifically ask for them.  Follow the proper chain of command and direct the individual to the director that oversees the department the individual is concerned about.