Processing Y Bucks

Post date: May 07, 2019 4:4:47 PM

Hey all,

For those individuals wanting to use their Y Bucks that were included in their swag bag from the April promotion, or for employees that received them for their donation to the annual support campaign, they need to be redeemed in house.  They cannot apply their vouchers to online registrations or over the phone.  Once redeemed, please put them in my mailbox.

There are two different types of Y Bucks in circulation right now.  One is for those that donated beyond a certain amount of money to the Annual Support Campaign. These look very generic and are more of a plain certificate. These need to be adjusted off using the ASC Y Bucks adjustment.  If they do not use up the full amount of their certificate cross out the current dollar amount, write in the new total, and initial next to it. 

The second type of Y Bucks is the one from the Splash Center Promo.  These have a picture in the background of an aquatics theme.  To redeem this type of Y Bucks we need to use the Swag Bag Promo adjustment.  If they do not use up the full amount of their certificate cross out the current dollar amount, write in the new total, and initial next to it.