Kerr Pool Remodel/Update
Post date: Aug 03, 2020 5:21:45 PM
Hey everyone,
We will be doing a remodel of the Kerr Pool starting August 6th. This is a large scale remodel/update so the Kerr Pool will be unavailable from 8/6-9/8. The September 8th date was what we received as an estimated time to complete from the contractor so it may vary depending on if they have any setbacks. For the initial part of the remodel members, guest and program participants will be able to go into the pools through the locker rooms like normal. Once they start to work on the floor we may need to adjust the path they take but that will be communicated when there are any updates available.
The Family Splash Center will be available its normally scheduled times throughout the remodeling process. (Reminder, when there are not swim lessons Lap Swim is available. Open Swim times will remain the same - Saturday and Sunday from 1:00-5:00 PM throughout the closure.)
There will only be one life guard on duty to open and close the pools during the remodel. If the pool alarm sounds and light above the AED flashes, East desk staff immediately stops what they are doing, grabs their cell phone (so they can dial 911 once in the pool area), a walkie talkie (to communicate with any other staff in the building to alert them of the CODE BLUE) and the AED and gets to the Family Splash Center as quickly as possible to assist the life guard.