Basic Orientation

Post date: Mar 10, 2021 2:50:11 PM


We will now be scheduling Basic Orientations at the time of membership sign up. When you sign anyone up for a membership ask them if they would like to schedule their free basic orientation to the Life Center. As a refresher, with the Basic Orientation, the participant meets with a Fitness Associate (not a personal trainer) and receives an instructional on how to operate the equipment in the Life Center. This orientation usually last between 45 minutes and an hour. 

If a new member (or existing member) would like to schedule a Basic Orientation it will all be done through the Google Calendar. In the Google Calendar, under the Life Center Schedule is where we will book times for the participant. Only schedule Basic Orientations on the hour (ex: 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, etc.), never at half past or quarter to (ex 1:30 PM, 12:45 PM, etc). There are spots blocked off that say "No appts" we cannot schedule Basic Orientations during that time because it is dedicated to cleaning time for the Fitness Associates.