NEW Prenatal Training Program

Post date: Nov 16, 2022 3:31:41 PM

Prenatal Training Program Options: MEMBERS ONLY

Kara is the point of contact for all prenatal training sessions.

First time signing up, they will register for Prenatal Training. If they desire any additional sessions, then they can choose the desired sessions under additional prenatal sessions.

Look the individual up in Daxko: They must be an active member to register for any of the prenatal sessions.

Click on their name

Click on 'Actions'

Click on 'Register for Programs'

Click on 'Prenatal Training'

Click on desired session: First time, click on 'Prenatal Training (Consult & Training Session); click on 'Additional Prenatal Sessions' if they want more sessions beyond the consult and training

Click on 'Register'

Instructor: Select 'Kara Colon'

Click on desire number of sessions: If in the prenatal training registration, the only option is already selected for you; additional prenatal sessions you will need to select one out of the three options

Click on 'Next'

Be sure to put in an email address that they check frequently: First and last name need to be typed in and their email address

Click on 'Next'

Go over the Agreements/Waivers and ask them if they agree to the terms, ask if you can type their name in for them.

Click on 'I Agree'

Click on 'Register'

Click on 'Make a payment'

Click on 'Make payment'

Select payment method and complete the payment as usual.