Other staff at the Member Service desk

Post date: Sep 17, 2021 4:49:7 PM


Akaysia from Housekeeping and Kenton from the Life Center have requested that we do not allow their staff to be at the Member Service desk. The only exception to this is if we request their assistance in covering the desk to do a towel run/if we need to give a tour or if we need to respond to an emergency situation. Beyond those two examples there should be no staff other than Member Service staff using the computers at the desk, standing behind the desk, etc. Having a couple minute conversation with them is fine once in a while, but they have responsibilities that they need to attend to in their own areas. If you notice someone hanging out too often/not doing their job please let myself, Kenton or Akaysia know so we can address the matter.

Thank you for your help with this.Â