Cancellations over the phone

Post date: Mar 06, 2019 8:30:14 PM

Hey all,

I've had a lot of people calling lately saying that they called in to the desk and were told they could cancel over the phone or if they couldn't pay their dues for the upcoming month they were told "That's fine, we'll take care of it.".  That is not allowed.  If someone needs to cancel they either need to come in and fill out the cancellation form by the last day of the month or if they are unable to come in due to being out of town or due to medical reasons they need to be transferred through to me and leave a voicemail if I am out.  If someone has issues making their monthly dues payment, they need to be transferred through to me and leave a voicemail.  

Please make sure that we are following procedure.  If we don't, we wind up upsetting members because they were told false information and I wind up getting the brunt of the anger from the member that was misinformed.  If you aren't sure what the procedure is, whether it is regarding this or anything else, ask one of your co-workers for help.  It's okay to ask someone on the phone to be put on hold for a brief moment while you figure it out.