Proper Bio-hazard Handling

Post date: Sep 13, 2019 3:4:17 PM

Place the contaminated material, gloves and other disposable items in the red plastic bio bag. Tie bag and place in the biohazard box behind the East MSD counter in laundry room. Ensure that the lid is sealed tightly on the box.  

*****We have added a full face mask on a hook and some disposable masks in a box above the biohazard waste bin for use when opening the bin.*****

The goal when tieing a bio bag is that everything in it should be secure and if it ends up upside down it won't leak.   Please ensure that you and your staff are properly securing the bags and tieing them according to these instructions:

Then place the properly tied bag in the bin:

This information will be added to the January Safety Training, the images will be posted next to the biohazard bin, and masks will be available for use when opening the bin.