Thanksgiving week Directors schedule

Post date: Nov 26, 2013 5:11:43 PM

Below is the staff schedule for Directors for the holiday week.

Bill will be out Wednesday through Sunday

Doug will be out Friday through Sunday

Christy Marthaller will be out Friday through Sunday

LaShae will be out until Dec 2 (concerns see Wayne)

Lindsey Peterson will be out until Dec 2

Jennifer Keller will be out Friday through Sunday

Jenny Ellingson will be out Friday through Sunday

Mary Cooper will be out Friday Through Sunday

Sue Glock will  be here all week

YDC is closed on Friday so Carmen, Mariah, Brian and Shari will all be off on Friday

Child Watch will only be open Wednesday morning from 8:15 to 12:15 and closed that night.

Child watch will also be closed all day Friday but will be open regular hours on Saturday.

Donna Doll will be in for a couple hours Friday morning

Raquel Nachatilo is tentatively off on Friday

Brian Marquardt one of these two gentleman will be on call this weekend

Tim Peterson

Brandon Wangler will be the Building Supervisor on Duty this weekend