Water Fitness Participants round table

Post date: May 22, 2019 5:54:9 PM

Hey all,

The message below is from April Robinson.  There has been some concerns about the aquatics group exercise classes in the Family Splash Center that have been brought to us by our members so we are going to give those members a chance to be heard and see if we can all come to a compromise. 

Thursday, May 30th the aquatics leaders, water fitness instructors and I will be hosting a round table discussion that we are verbally communicating to the water fitness participants. It will be from noon to 1:00 and will either be in the skybox or meeting room 17. We are not formerly announcing this other than verbal communication directly to those participants specifically. I just wanted to give you the heads-up so you can let your MSD staff no about it in case they have any members asking questions about it.