Renew Active Confirmation Code update

Post date: Jan 15, 2021 11:37:11 AM

Renew Active has updated the process to generate a confirmation code that someone is eligible for their program on their website. Previously an email address was required to see if someone was eligible this is no longer required but their is still a field to enter the information on the site. They need to have their Member ID number now which is found on their UnitedHealthcare Medicare Insurance Card. 

This type of membership is pretty uncommon right now. It is similar to the SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit memberships. Eligible members do not pay for the membership dues (unless they want the upgraded locker room) and we are reimbursed directly from their insurance provider based on the number of check ins they have at the facility each month. If they are not using the facility, we receive no reimbursements from the insurance provider.