Gatherings in the East Lobby UPDATED

Post date: May 16, 2019 11:0:8 AM

Hey all,

We are going to reevaluate barring birthday party gatherings in the East Lobby.  Please disregard the post on April 27th.  After discussing with Tim and Bill we have decided that we are going to monitor the situation and see if it becomes a problem, if it does we will respond accordingly. 

Going forward if you notice a group gathering to celebrate a what seems like a birthday party we will let them be.  However, I will be tracking these types of gatherings so please email me if you see one of these gatherings.  

When should you email me?  If you notice any of the following:

- Outside food being brought in for a group larger than 6

- There are multiple presents being opened 

- If you hear "Happy Birthday" being sung

If you notice one of these things please send me a quick email letting me know the day, time, and what you observed.  You do not need to ask them to take the party elsewhere. Let them do there thing. 

The biggest concern that we have is that have is that this will become a trend and people won't book the Party Room for their parties.  With that being said, we also want to keep that area as much of a community area as possible so we are trying to find out where to draw the line.