Handling Complaints about Lifeguards
Post date: Sep 11, 2018 9:49:3 PM
Kate has asked that if we get complaints about the lifeguards using cell phones, dozing off, not paying attention that we address the issue and email her about if she is not around. This should be done be the Team Leader on duty at the time. Kate will be passing this information on to her team so they know that if one of you tells them to get off their phone they need to listen to you.
When you are approaching one of them please say something along the lines of "We had a complaint about you being on your cell phone from a member. If you have your phone on you, could you please put it away until the end of your shift." Let Kate know via email who it was (if you don't know their name describe them and give dates and times).
Any questions or concerns please let me know!