Guest Passes

Post date: May 16, 2019 11:41:33 AM

Hey all,

With the Splash Center open now there has been a pretty large influx of children coming in for guest passes with members.  We have had a few members comment on the difficulty they had trying to bring their children's friends in for a guest pass so I just want to go over the scenario with you all and make sure we are making things as easy as possible for our guests.


Member comes in with their child and three of their child's friend who are not members.  The parent's of the three non members are not present.  

What we should do:

- Add children into Daxko if they are not in there currently (if children are not related they all need to be on separate profiles)

- Each child gets charged $5

- Ask adult present to sign off on the waiver for the children if they have not been here before (we cannot expect every child's parent's to be here to fill out the waiver)

You can mention Youth Development Passes to the member so they can inform their child's friend's parents about it but leave it at that. Do not have them fill out paperwork on the spot unless they come in and specifically ask for the Youth Development Pass.