Post date: Nov 27, 2019 3:52:41 PM


The message below is from Tim Olson.  As Member Service staff we need to be prepared and ready at all times for a Code call of any kind and know what to do in each situation.  We go over all of these topics in our monthly meetings but due to time constraints cannot cover all of them each meeting.  We HAVE to have our radios on at a volume that we are able to hear them in case a Code call is made.  If you hear inappropriate discussions being had over the radio please report them to me immediately so the individuals having those conversations can be addressed.  Below in the attached document is all of our safety procedures.  I would like each of you to read through them all.  If you have any questions please ask Sabrina or myself for clarification.  


This past Friday around 1 PM there was Code Adam called for a missing child.  One of our YDC kids on the Y Gym Track decided to exit the door on the track by the elevators to go explore the Y.  Even though the child was found and everything turned out ok, we had a major breakdown in responding to this emergency.  In this situation a Code Adam was called but nobody responded.  It wasn't until a staff person heard on another person's radio that there was an issue that they then went and told another staff.  By the time the staff checked on the situation the child had been found in the building.  As a team we need to look at this situation and learn from our mistakes so that in the next emergency situation we respond appropriately.  Below I have listed our current procedures and some learning points from this past Friday's situation.

As a refresher here is our current procedure:

  CODE ADAM: Lost or stolen child 

1. Staff responding announce: CODE ADAM________ (area). 

2. Alert staff as to description of child/adult over walkie talkies and also page staff over phones. 

3. Building is locked down via management-nobody in/nobody out. 

4. Management staff is assigned to exits and don't allow anyone to leave or enter; If the child or child/adult is spotted then notify staff or police. 

5. Director in charge confirms situation, and notify authorities and parents. 

6. After all clear, Director in charge will fill out incident form. 

7. After incident has ended, signal all clear over walkie talkies. If evening/weekend, MSD enact resolution process. Enact crisis communication plan.   

Reminders/Learning Points:

Thank you for your attention to this.