Wakhanyeza Group Usage

Post date: Oct 15, 2019 8:13:31 PM

Hey all,

After learning from the leader of the Wakhanyeza organization that there has been a lot of people not affiliated with them signing in the sign in binder she has provided a list of names of people authorized to use the facility.  I will update this information as I receive it.  

From now on anyone coming in asking for the binder to sign in under the Wakhanyeza's page will need to give us their name to verify they are authorized to use the account.  The list below is the most up-to-date one we have.  If they claim to be associated with the organization they will need to contact the organization and ask them to update the list to include their name and send it back to me.  Until that is received they will have to purchase a guest pass to use the facility.  This list will also be taped to the Veridesk's for quick reference. 

Josephine Defender

Julian Defender

Israel Defender

Selah Defender

Diaz Defender

Jae Brie Defender

Rassah Petersen

Vanessa Defender

Uriah Sitting Dog

Leland Sitting Dog

L Sitting Dog

Robert Sitting Dog

Donovan Two Lance

Jastin Foster

Johnnessa Eagle Pipe

Carlee Eagle Pipe

John Foster

Jessica Black Cloud

Mark Black Cloud