notice of intent to picket the YMCA

Post date: Apr 20, 2012 8:57:41 PM

Here are the guidelines for dealing with Picketers.

    1.  All media related questions MUST be directed to the General Manager of the facility Andy Dahl.

    2.  The picketer has the right to be on the public sidewalk surrounding the YMCA, but not on the YMCA grounds.

    3.  The picketer can not impede traffic into or out of the parking lots.

    4.  The picketer can not harass members either.

If you have any questions please talk to Troy or one of the Building Supervisors for the specific rules on what the demonstrated is allowed to do.  The city ordinance is printed out and at the front desk.

Troy Bitz

Good Afternoon,


I wanted you to be aware that I was informed yesterday by our local police department that a former member of our YMCA has made notice of intent to picket/demonstrate the sidewalk surrounding our YMCA after 4:30pm this Saturday, April 21.  This is something an individual has the right to do on public sidewalks in the city.  There are specific guidelines that this individual must maintain and follow of which I have a copy. Dave Blair (Board President) and myself have already discussed what the steps will be should the media make contact with our YMCA.  From the information I have been able to gain from the police, the reason for the picketing has to do with political purposes of our National Y.  I have consulted with Y USA and will be prepared should questions arise from local media. 


Thank you,



Andy Dahl

Executive Director