Parkinson's, LiveStrong, Exercise is Medicine, etc.

Post date: Nov 18, 2019 9:20:52 PM

Hey all,

Just a friendly reminder that if someone is wanting to participate in programs like Parkinson's, LiveStrong, Exercise is Medicine that they need to go through the proper channels before they can participate.  As much as we would love to be able to help everyone the second they walk through our doors, we can't with these types of programs because they require medical clearances from a physician and some require base testing before they start.  If you are getting questions about a particular program and you are unsure who is in charge a list is below as well as if participants can show up and take part immediately.

Parkinson's - McKaela Larson -  Must meet with McKaela first before participating.  Give them her contact information if she is not immediately available to assist them.

LiveStrong - Jenna Bernhardt - Must have medical clearance and register through Jenna before participating.  Give them a LiveStrong brochure as well as Jenna's business card for them to proceed.

Exercise is Medicine - LaShae Michels - Registration is done through Sanford before participating.