DoD Forms

Post date: Sep 24, 2018 6:16:17 PM

This is from Jennifer Keller:

They have changed the DoD forms yet again.  Please throw away all forms that are currently at the desks and replace with these.

Taija, they have to be Y members so the best thing would be just to have the desk send them to the Y to sign up but in case you get someone who is insisting on signing up there, here they are.

Pages 1-4 are instructions

Page 5 is a memo template.  This is required now for IDP members (typically recruiters). They will need to have their commanding officer do this.

Page 6 is the Eligibility Form. This has to be filled out by all DoD members when they join and also when they renew after 6 months.

Page 7 is the instructions for the IDP members.

Page 8 is the form to go with the memo and Eligibility Form for IDP members.

Pages 9-10 are what I fill out, do not have the desk do these.  You don't even have to print these actually.

The members being deployed that are eligible just do page 6.  The IDP members (which all of our current ones are in this category) have to do Pages 5, 6, 8.  They have to do it at every renewal as well.  I of course will contact the member if we are missing something but it is much easier to get it done right the first time around.  Thanks for your help and let's hope it doesn't get harder than this!