silver sneakers verification

Post date: Nov 13, 2012 5:10:57 PM

I have set up on the staff computer the link to verify if a person is eligible for the silver sneakers program is  The user name is mservices3 and the password is 1525ymca.  You will need their full name and date of birth to check.  If they are eligible it will have a green box with a 16 digit number show up. If they are eligible you can make an appointment to see me or you can fill out the silver sneakers membership paperwork as well as a new member application and get them registered.  You must also take them on a tour of the building.  If they want the fitness locker room they can get this, but this they have to pay for.  You can do a monthly bank draft for this.  if you have questions in regards to signing them up  or finding out if they are eligible please ask.
