Post date: Apr 27, 2012 4:21:18 PM

April 30 at 7am the following programs will be open for Registration.

Registration codes in Purple!

Itty Bitty Soccer---12IB- SUM-SOC

    Rookies- Ages 3-4

    All-Stars- Ages 5-6

Itty Bitty Baseball---12IB- SUM-BAS

    Rookies- Ages 3-4

    All-Stars- Ages 5-6

***Children must be of age at the time of participation.

Summer 4 on 4 Open Basketball- Adults-         12BB- SUM Men's and SUM Women's

New this summer!!

Summer 4 on 4 Volleyball-                                 12VB- SUM- High school

Summer 4 on 4 Basketball for 7th/8th Graders- 12BB- SUM7/8 boys and SUM 7/8 girls

***All open league rosters must be paid in full at time of registration.

***Do not hold roster forms at the front desk for people to come in and pay.

Rosters paid in full should be put in my mailbox!  Thank you!
