Healthy Weight and Your Child Program

Post date: Sep 05, 2019 7:7:54 PM

We will be hosting informational sessions on our new Healthy Weight and Your Child Program for parents/guardians that are interested in learning more.  The dates the sessions will be held are below.  All sessions will run from 6-7 PM and will be held in the Sky Box.

September 19th

October 17th

November 21st

December 19th

Healthy Weight and Your Child is a weight maintenance program for children between the ages of 7-13 that carry excess body weight with a body mass index in the 95th percentile or higher.  The program meets a total of 25 times over the course of the session.  Twice a week for the first ten weeks and then once a week for the final five weeks.  Tentative time for the program is currently from 5-8 PM.  A parent/guardian is required to attend all sessions with child and both are required to get a doctor's referral to clear them for physical activity.  We are hoping to run our first session starting in January 2020.  Exact date TBD. 

Each class parent and child will learn about how to lead a healthier lifestyle and how they can do different activities as a family to improve their overall physical and mental well-being.  The class will be divided into two parts.  The first half is more of an informational class room type setting and the second half is activity based.  

If someone has any questions on the program LaShae will be the person to direct them to.