Shifts available for pick up

Post date: Sep 06, 2018 1:44:1 PM

Hey Team!  

I'll be posting shifts that we need to get covered on a weekly basis here as well to help try and fill the schedule.

For the week of 9/9-9/15 I need the following shifts picked up:

9/10: 3:00-7:30 PM

9/10: 7:00-11:00 PM

9/11: 3:00-7:30 PM

9/11: 7:00-11:00 PM

Who's gonna step up and help out?

If you can pick up any of these shifts please email Alysha with what day(s) and time(s) you can help.  

We are bringing in three more people to help with subbing and filling in the remaining open shifts that we have so we are almost fully staffed!!

 I just wanted to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has stepped up and taken on extra shifts over the past few months!

  You all rock!