Close-out and Cash Drawer

Post date: Oct 10, 2022 3:49:15 PM

 After you clock in for your shift, grab your cash bag out of the drawer and take it with you to the desk that you will be working at.

 When you get to the desk you are working at, count the cash drawer, and make sure that it is the correct amount (cash drawer at West desk-$100; cash drawer at East desk-$250).

Any cash/check transactions that happen should be placed in your cash bag, do not put it in the cash drawer (cash drawer should always be $250 or $100 throughout the entire day, depending on which desk the cash drawer is located at). Example: If a charge a kid a day pass for $8 and they hand you a $20, put the $20 in the cash drawer, hand the kid $12 for change and put the $8 in your cash bag.

If you switch from one desk to the other, do a close-out (print the close-out and have the money in your cash bag) and count the cash drawer to make sure it is the correct amount.

When your shift is over, do a close-out (print the close-out and have the money in your cash bag) and count the cash drawer and fill out the change slip. Place both in your cash bag and place in the safe.

If you do not have a close-out, still count the cash drawer and fill out the change slip and place it in your cash bag, then place in the safe.

***If the cash drawer is over, take the amount it is over and put it in your cash bag with a note stating it was over, along with the change slip.

***If the cash drawer is under, take the amount it is under out of your close-out and place in the cash drawer. If you do not have a close-out, then take the amount it is under out of the cash bag in the safe and place it in the cash drawer. Be sure to make a note and put it in your cash bag along with the change slip.