Updated Video/Smart Phone Policy

Post date: Dec 28, 2018 4:23:37 PM

We have made some changes to our Member Code of Conduct regarding videos, smart phones and social media on our member applications. 

Old policy: 

The unauthorized use of cell phones, cameras, or PDA's to take photographs or videos of members or staff in locker rooms, pools or anywhere within the facilities;

New policy:

Please be considerate and respectful of other members when using smart phones/cameras in the YMCA.  Video or pictures for social media shaming or bullying are prohibited.  Video or pictures in violation or our Member Cod of Conduct are prohibited.  Direct filming of others in workout spaces without permission is prohibited.  Special projects or media involving video or pictures or for commercial use purposes must be pre-approved by management. 

The special projects piece of the new policy would need to be approved by myself, Tim or Bill.  If we are not in the building they cannot work on their project without getting approval from one of us before hand.  If a project is approved I will place an alert on their profile saying if it is or not.