Doors/gate by both desks to be kept CLOSED

Post date: Sep 10, 2022 12:40:44 AM

Both doors on each end of the East desk and the gate by the West desk must stay CLOSED during facility operation hours. This includes opening shifts. I know there is only one person working at each desk during opening shifts but it is for security purposes. Each person must either scan in, pay for a day pass, staff check them in due to not having their barcode with them, or disclose why they are entering the facility before we let them enter (ex: picking up their child, swim lessons, etc). DO NOT PROP THE DOORS OPEN.

***If you are at either desk by yourself and you need to step away for any reason (ex: bathroom break, towel run, help a member, etc), contact the Fitness Associate that is on duty by using the walkie talkies first. If they do not reply, call the Life Center Desk ext:724. Ask them to come to the desk you are working at to cover the desk and let people in after they scan, so you can do whatever it is you need to do.