Bismarck Bucks player memberships

Post date: Apr 27, 2021 1:33:12 PM


We have an arrangement with the Bismarck Bucks that allows their players and coaching staff to receive a free basic adult membership for the duration of their season (end of August 2021). I have activated accounts for all of the players and coaching staff in Daxko. When the players come in we need to have them fill out a paper membership application to get their signature agreeing to the Code of Conduct and the Release of Liability portion. We will need to update their contact information and date of birth as none of that information was available to me. 

The players/coaches may add the upgraded membership to their account at their own expense. Their accounts are all set through the end of August so if they wish to add it on they would need to pay the full amount through the end of August. Follow the steps below if they wish to add on the upgraded locker room.