Basket Ball Fundraiser

Post date: Jan 23, 2020 5:42:50 PM

Hey all,

Our third annual Basket Ball Fundraiser is fast approaching on Friday, March 20th!   This is an AMAZING event that we host here at the Y from 6-11 PM that includes sports team themed entrees (philly cheese steaks to represent Philadelphia for example), live music, local brewers, cash bar, dancing, photo booths, sports competitions, and a live and silent auction.  All proceeds from the event go towards funding our Annual Support Campaign that helps us offer amazing programs like LiveStrong for cancer survivors, Parkinsons' classes that have shown to slow and in some cases even reverse the progression of the disease, financial assistance on memberships or child care for low income families in our communities and much more.  

Single tickets to the event are programmed in Daxko as of this morning.  They are listed under the Basket Ball Fundraiser tag in the programs section of Daxko.  If someone is purchasing tickets for a group you only need to do the registration under the purchasers name if the others they are purchasing for are not listed on the same account.  If they are not listed please print a copy of the receipt and write the names of the individuals on it and put it in Amy's mailbox so she can have their information to check them in the night of the event.  We will be Child Watch available for those attending the event that evening only.  Registration for Child Watch for the event is required in advance as we will be treating it like a Parent's Night Out event and need to know how much food to get for the kiddos while their parent's are having a good time just down the hall.   One child is $25.  Each additional child is $15.  This service will be available from 5:45-10:30 PM during the event. 

This year we are doing a discount for staff that want to come to the event.  Staff will be able to purchase single tickets for $40.  There is an adjustment set up in Daxko to take the $10 off the cost listed as Basket Ball Staff Discount.   Staff can also register for the event online and get the discount by entering in the discount code STAFF during registration. 

I HIGHLY encourage you to come to this event.  I had a blast last year and I was working it, not attending as a guest.  The food is great.  The music is great.  Everything about it is great.  Plus the money goes towards funding some pretty amazing things.  Talk about the event with members.  Share the event on Facebook if you follow our page.  Invite your family.