Paperless Membership App and Online Membership Registration Update

Post date: Apr 03, 2019 12:53:9 PM

Hey all,

Just wanted to update you on the progress towards our goal of going to paperless membership applications and online membership registration.  We are working with our tech service provider to figure out the best and easiest way to make this process easy at the desk.  Our original goal was to have things up and running by 4/8/19, but due to some wrong products being ordered by the tech service people that deadline has been pushed back to the middle of next week sometime.  As the parts and equipment that we need come in we will be modifying our workstations to get ready for the launch.  

With our next membership promotion starting 4/15/19, we will not officially be going to the paperless app until 5/1/19.  I will be working with you all on how to work through the process so we are all comfortable with it by that date.  There won't be much that changes for the in house registrations, but we do need to make sure we do a few things every time before the new member begins to fill out their information that I will explain more when we work through it together.  

Online membership registration will open the same day (5/1/19).  The biggest thing that we may encounter with this is if someone is set up as a non-member in the system already and they try to create a new profile with the same email address they will get an error message.  If we get calls about this error all we will need to do is look them up and update their password for that email.  If you are unsure how to do that I can show you in our training session for paperless membership applications.  Currently Daxko does not allow us to put on the child watch or upgraded locker room upgrades on the online registration page so when anyone comes in for the first time after signing up online we will need to be asking if they want to add either on. As with every new join, when these individual come in for the first time we HAVE to be asking if they want a tour, give them a new member packet, talk to them about Basic Orientation, and Commit to be Fit to help them feel more connected to us right off the bat. 

More updates to come as the time gets closer.