Selling Personal Training to new clients

Post date: Apr 06, 2022 5:24:54 PM


Reminder that when we are selling personal training sessions to someone that has not trained with us we need to be selecting the Choose Instructor Later option and not assigning them to a specific trainer. The reason for this is that some trainers have more availability than others and we are running into issues where some are getting close to being overbooked and cannot take on additional clients. 

When a new client wants to get started with Personal Training have them fill out the Personal Trainer Request Form that is at both desks. Place the completed form in Kenton's mailbox. If they are open to training any time you can register them for the training package of their choosing and collect payment at that time. If they have very specific time frames that they are able to train in it may be best to have them hold off on purchasing sessions until they hear from Kenton to confirm there is a trainer available to work with them.