Aquatics Age Policy Update

Post date: Apr 16, 2019 2:52:27 PM

Hey all,

There have been some slight changes to our age policy.  Please see below.


0-5 requires adult supervision with the adult physically in the pool with the child.

6-7 requires adult to be on the pool deck with the child

8-9 requires the adult to be in the building 

This policy is different for groups of children.  Group is defined by us to be 4 or more children.  The policy for groups is below.


0-4 requires 1 adult physically in the pool per every 4 children

5-8 requires 1 adult physically in the pool per every 10 children

Life jackets are available for open swim use, swimmers in life jackets must stay in the shallow end of the pool, children in life jackets MUST have an adult in the pool with them. 

Let me know if you have any questions.