Financial Assistance Applications

Post date: Jan 22, 2019 5:28:54 PM

Hey all,

Just a reminder that we cannot accept an application for financial assistance without their supporting financial documentation.  If someone turns in a financial assistance app please have them stick around for a moment and double check that we have everything we need/ask them if they would like copies of their financial documents made for their records.  We need to have verification for any income or financial assistance they receive (food stamps, disability, housing assistance, social security income, etc) in order to determine the level of assistance we can provide.  It is very important to remember that this can be a sensitive topic for some people so try to pull them aside and have the conversation where they feel comfortable.   

If someone comes in and says "they don't have any income", we need to be asking questions like "Do you receive any assistance from the government in any way (food stamps, disability, housing assistance, social security income, etc.)?"  Although these things may not be considered "income", they do help lighten their financial burden and have to be taken into consideration in order to have their application processed. 

They DO NOT get to use the facility until the application is processed unless they purchase a guest pass.  

If you have gone through all of these things and still can't come up with some form of financial documentation they can provide give them my card and have them reach out to me and I will work with them.