Cancellation Policy

Post date: Sep 17, 2018 4:20:41 PM

We can no longer take cancellation request through email.  There have been FAR too many that have slipped through the cracks where they have been sent to the staff@bismarkymca email and not been forwarded to myself of Jennifer leading them to be charged when they should not have been.  

If someone calls about cancelling we have to remain consistent and state that we need them to come fill out the form in person.  In Fargo we always told them the reason it needed to be done in person is because we need a physical signature to stop the automatic bank draft.  If they insist that they have moved from the area and cannot then you need to forward them to me directly.  DO NOT EMAIL THEM FROM THE STAFF EMAIL. They need to be transferred to my phone and instruct them to leave a message with their name and contact information and I will reach out to them.