Staff personal contact information

Post date: Jan 04, 2021 5:21:32 PM


Please remember to never, under any circumstances give out a coworkers or a staff person from another departments personal contact information. If a member is trying to get in touch with a Director the only contact information you are allowed to share is the information that is on the Director's business card (work email and office phone line). Cell phone numbers listed on the Direct Phone Extension list are all personal cell phones numbers and are not to be given out. If a member is trying to get in touch with a staff that does not have any Y contact information they can either reach out to that staff person's supervisor to pass on a message or will need to talk to them in person the next time they see them. If the Director is not in the building, instruct the member/guest to leave a voicemail or email them with contact information to reach them at and they will follow up with the individual when they return to work.

There is no exception to this.Â