
Post date: May 10, 2019 11:32:3 AM

Hey all,

Please remember to put a note on a members account when they turn in a cancellation form.  We do this as a fail safe in case a form is misplaced.  

Utilize the notes section as much as possible when it comes to Y policies or procedures that have been communicated to members or guests.  Notes are incredibly useful for me when I get calls from people saying the classic "I was told I could cancel over the phone." (I get at least 5 of these a month...).  All a note would need to say in this instance would be "Member called asking to cancel.  I let them know that we need them to fill out a form by the last day of the month in order to avoid billing the following month."  You can do this for in person conversations as well.  

As a refresher to add a note to someone's account do the following:

-Click notes (under the person's picture)

-Click Add Note (right side of the screen)

-Select appropriate category in the drop down menu (General, Billing, Behavior, etc.)

-Type note

-Click blue Save Note button. 

Thank you for all that you do each day!