Racquetball and Wallyball Courts

Post date: Jul 12, 2022 12:38:31 PM

Court 3 has the capabilities to be used for Racquetball or Wallyball. When individuals call to reserve a court for wallyball, be sure to reserve court 2 first. If court 2 is booked, then look at court 3 availability.

If you reserve someone for court 3 (wallyball usage) please inform them, while on the phone, to stop by the West Desk when they arrive to check out the wallyball net (black bag with net and volleyball) and the grey/white stepladder. Please inform them that they will need to leave collateral at the West Desk, set up the net, take down the net, and return the net, volleyball, and stepladder back to the West Desk. All three items must be returned together to get their collateral back. IF THEY ASK FOR ASSISTANCE TO SET UP OR TAKE DOWN, PLEASE FIND STAFF TO HELP THEM.

Court 2-Wallyball Only

Court 3-Wallyball/Racquetball

Court 4-Racquetball Only

Court 5-Racquetball Only

***If anyone is checking out our equipment for wallyball or racquetball, be sure to fill out the sign-out folder at the West Desk and get collateral from them. We need to be sure to get our equipment back. This includes volleyballs used for court 2.